Yue Wang (汪越)
- I am currently an assistant professor in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics and the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. I am also a member of the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine.
- I am a biostatistician focusing on developing statistical/computational methods for integrating multi-omics data to address important biomedical questions. Current projects mainly involve multi-view human microbiome data.
- Prior to joining CU Anschutz, I was an assistant professor at Arizona State University. I worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Washington with Prof. Ali Shojaie and at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center with Prof. Jing Ma. I also collaborate closely with Dr. Tim Randolph’s lab at Fred Hutch. I obtained my PhD in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Recent News
- Nov, 2024. We have a new paper accepted by Bioinformatics! This is joint work with Ph.D. student Ruoqian Liu and Prof. Dan Cheng from ASU. Micro-DeMix is the first method to investigate the spatial compositions of fecal microbiomes.
- Aug, 2024. Our highcor paper is online!
- July, 2024. We have a new paper accepted by Biostatistics! This is joint work with Ph.D. student Haoran Shi. Check out this preprint and our R package highcor.
- Feb, 2024. We have proposed an integrative framework to elucidate microbiome-metabolome-disease pathways. Check out our preprint.
- Jan, 2024. We have developed smoothing spline methods to model the temporal dynamics of single-cell RNA-seq data. Check out our preprint.
- June, 2024. I gave a talk on pathway similarities at ICSA, Wuhan, 2024.
- June, 2024. I gave a talk on pathway similarities at WNAR, Fort Collins, 2024.